2018/09/29 14:13:06Hongxing machinery
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HGM micro powder grinding mill is the newest grinding machine which is widely used in mining, quarry, cement, building materials, etc. The main characteristics of HGM micro powder grinding mill:
--- Widely application. This newest HGM micro powder grinding mill can grind 280+ materials, such as: limestone, quartz, gypsum, calcite, granite, dolomite, etc.
--- High grinding efficiency. The output size can be reached 0.015-0.25mm. What is more, the finished fitness are adjustable to meet the different needs from different customers.
--- Widely marketing demand. HGM micro powder grinding mills were sold to 90+ countries, such as, India, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc.
If you need more details or want to get latest quotation of HGM micro powder grinding mill, pls leave your inquiry at any time. Our engineers will advise you a proper model and our sales manager will service for you especially. Looking forward to your inquiry.